Yes, I know I already did a post about that.
This was the first week EVER that mommy had any time without children.
Can I admit something? It was bizarre. I missed my kiddos.
Can I admit something else? I was a better mom, better wife, and better business woman this week than I have been in a LONG time.
I was more productive this week at The Monkey's Treehouse. I was able to make dinners and pack Mr. Incredible's meals for work. I was able to help kids with their homework and fill out papers and tote little monkeys to activities. I was even able to get Belle and Bean's birthday party set for today without major stress. It was easier this week, but I've always done these things.
"How do you do it?" I get asked this at least 5 times a day. And there have absolutely been days where I answer, "I don't friggin know...I just know that I do."
So I came up with some of the things that help me. Here they are for your use.
Lists. I got organized and made lists. I like to use either paper or dry erase boards for my lists. If I'm out and about and think of something I need to do, I put it in my phone and then add it to my physical lists later. There is something much more satisfying about crossing something off a list than just pressing a button to delete it.
Mindfulness. Do you realize how much of your day you spend doing just about nothing? You're not actually doing nothing check your email, see someone updated a post on Facebook. You go on Facebook, and 30 minutes later you're on Pinterest looking at kitchens because a friend posted a recipe on Facebook that linked to Pinterest and it reminded you that someday you want to paint your kitchen. Pay attention to how you spend your time. There is something to be said for taking 30 minutes to relax and peruse Pinterest, but not necessarily when you're supposed to be working.
ODAT. What the heck does that mean? It means take things One ever-loving Day At a Time. Yes, I plan things out weeks (sometimes months) in advance and my calendar is color coded (We use the Cozi app and I absolutely love it). But I can't worry about how I am going to get the kids fed and to all of their activities in the spring when I have to worry about how I'm going to make dinner and get the kids to their appointments tonight. I try to take things as they come. I wasn't always like this. I was a worrier. What's going to happen when the schedule changes and then there might be a conflict? You can't live like that with 5 can't live like that with ANY kids. If you spend all of your time and energy on worrying what will happen next week or next won't have any energy left to do what matters today. Take things one day at a time and go easy on yourself.
Make time. There are 168 hours in a week. Every person has that same 168 hours at their disposal. Use them. Yes, you need to sleep, eat, work, and have time for self care. These should be part of your schedule (yes, even self care...especially self care). The rest of your time is yours. Plan it out if you need to. Yes, it's a lot. But time is your power. Use your powers wisely.
Lastly, Breathe. Light candles if you like that sort of thing...and Breathe. Be sure to take care of yourself so that you can be your best you for those that need you.
There are days that are rough. Days that I finally get the kids in bed and I think to myself "how the heck did we survive today?" But then I stop and I pat myself on the shoulder because ya know what? We did. We survived. It may not have been pretty, and hopefully tomorrow will be better, but we survived.
Try out these tips this week and have fun "doing it"!
Amen to ALL that! ♡