Wednesday, November 25, 2015

The little word that can change your life

In this season of thanks, what are you thankful for? We are thankful for many things up in the treehouse, but we are extremely thankful that today we get to introduce a new weekly guest blogger to you. 

Whether you are thankful for it or not, sex is a part of our every day lives. After all, chances are good that sex is exactly how you ended up with your own little monkeys. Our friend and Athena's Goddess, Christina will be talking weekly with us about sex in our lives, with a focus on sex in our lives as parents. Tune in every Wednesday ("hump day") to find out what Christina has to say about this little word that has a huge impact on all of our lives. 

Greetings readers!I am so excited to be a guest blogger!  I thought it would be extremely appropriate to be your "hump day" blogger.  Here is a little about me!
My name is Christina, I am a 27 year old married mom of two.  I have been married for 5 years and have a darling daughter that is 5 and a sweet little boy that is 2.  I am a stay at home mom and childcare provider by day and an Athena's Goddess by night.
I started my journey with Athena's in February of 2014 to get some adult interaction and to feel like I was making a contribution to my family's income.  My reasons for continuing are infinite.  My confidence has grown tremendously, I have made life long friends from my fellow consultants, hostesses and party guests, I make a fabulous income on my own schedule, and I change people's lives.
Let's talk about that last one for a minute.  When people think of Athena's they don't realize all that it encompasses.  I like to think of myself as an educator.  I meet people from from all walks of life, parents who have trouble keeping the "spark" post children, people that have been victims of sexual abuse, people that have been shamed in regards to sex or their sexual preferences and so many others.  
"Sex" is not a dirty word.  As a mother of a daughter I have thought to myself that some day she will have questions, and I will have to answer them... Do I want to give her the run around or shame her?  Who knows how she will get her answers then.  I want my daughter to someday understand what a healthy sexual relationship is.  Including having enough respect for herself and her body to not be afraid or manipulated. Someone once brought to my attention that it is up to me to teach her what is OK.  I would rather her get "grossed out" by the sight of my husband and I showing affection in front of her, than hearing us argue and her watching the opposite. 
Food for thought, if your children "learn what they live" how would your current relationship shape their future relationship?  Would you want that for them?  I'll "see" you next week.  Feel free to find me on Facebook and friend request me.  I'd love to answer any questions you may have and I am open to any topics you would like me to discuss.  
Until next hump day xo Christina

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