Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Ready, set, ....

Did you finish that sentence?
Did you finish it with "Go!"?

If you did, you don't have a "youngest baby" that just started school today.

Yup. Peanut had her first day of school today. She looks devastated right?

I have been fortunate enough to always be home with my monkeys. Even when I had to work outside the home, they always came with me (I was a bus driver for some time there), or they stayed with friends/family. Now that I run The Monkey's Treehouse, I am able to stay home with them as well. They never went to daycare. Not even for a day. They spent MAYBE 2 hours a day, if that, at the childcare center at our local YMCA (which we adore). So today was huge. I was nervous but Mr. Incredible and I knew she needed this. We knew she was ready. I'll be damned if we knew just how ready she was.  

Last night was a rough one in our house, but I was hopeful at 230am to get a little bit of sleep before the alarm went of at 6. Well, as I was dozing off, a very excited Peanut came about 2 inches from my nose and went "MAMA! I go to school today! Let's go! Get up!".

Hate to break it to you sweetheart but I'm pretty sure your teachers weren't there at 4am. 

Anyways, Peanut and Bugaboo go to the same school. He started last week as a Kindergartner. So he "knows his way around" the school. Peanut spent all day yesterday making him "pomise (promise)" to walk her to class this morning. It was adorable. Funny thing is though, come this morning, she didn't even give him a chance! Those doors opened this morning (it's a parents-stay-outside-if-at-all-possible drop off situation), mommy got half a one-armed hug, and off she went. She left Bugaboo in the dust going "I thought she wanted me to bring her to her class mom?" 

As I said, she was ready. 

So what is the point of all of this besides showing you more ridiculously cute pictures of our monkeys (see below)? The point is, we need to trust our kids. Even the 3 year olds. They know what they need and they will tell you if you listen. You may have to listen in a different way than you're used to, but they will tell you.  

Are you ready? Are you set? Go. 
Go listen to what your kids are telling you. 

Because at some point, 
THEY are going to be ready, 
THEY will be set, 
and THEY will go...and when that time comes, you might not be as ready as you thought.

More ridiculously cute pictures from this morning:

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