Thursday, September 10, 2015

To the mom-preneur/WAHM who feels like she's drowning...

Water, walls, kids, husband, in laws, parents, friends, clients, bills...
it doesn't matter what it is - it all feels like it's closing in.
There is a serious lack of oxygen in your personal bubble.
You feel like you're drowning in your very own life.

The life that you fought so hard for.

The life that you desperately wanted.

Your mind is filled with "Is this really what I want? This isn't what I thought it would be. Maybe I should just give this up? But I fought so hard to get here."

Your inbox may be filled with "Hey! I found this really great job opportunity for you."

You feel like everyone is waiting for you to fail. You feel like the success you are reaching for is out of reach...perhaps that you are not worth that success.

It's a lot. I hear you. It's overwhelming.

But do me a favor...stop and breathe for a second. I'm serious. Take a deep, belly expanding, full body breath. Now let it go. All of it.

Now listen...I've been there...some moments, I still am there...but those moments are less and less.

Here's what I've learned:

- You are the only one waiting for you to fail. I'm serious. Many small business owners get in their own way and self-sabotage their way right into burnout. I was chatting with fellow mom-preneur, mindset coach, Kimberly Lin Pollard aka "The Troll Tamer" today and she said something that really resonated for me. She told me "Remind yourself that the trolls in your head are lying little jerks who are too lazy to pack up their stuff to move under a bridge in a new comfort zone." Nothing about starting a new business is easy or even comfortable really. You have to work hard and push out of your comfort zone to get where you want to be. You won't get there by staying where you are.

- You are SO worth it. Part of building a successful business is knowing that you are deserving and worth the success that it will bring. Knowing that sometimes, the best way to be productive, is to schedule time for self-care. When we take care of ourselves, we are better prepared to take care of the people around us, and we show the people around us that we are worth being taken care of. Because honestly, if you don't care about you...why should other people? Show them you are worth it by showing yourself you are worth it. This creates a better dynamic with those in your life, whether they be family, friends, or clients.

-You CAN do it. Breathe deep. Take one day, one hour, one project at a time. Be organized. Be calm. Be deliberate with everything you do. Brain dump whenever you can (you can read more about my brain dumping experience here). Know you are worth it. Know that you are the only one standing in your way.

So tonight, after your kids are in bed, when you are trying to figure out where to start and that drowning feeling starts to set in...breathe.

You CAN breathe. You CAN be successful. You WILL be successful.
The only way to fail, is to give up.

Photo courtesy of

***For more motivation check out "Fight Song" by Rachel Platten. It will make you cry the first time and then it will kick your butt into gear. I have been known to have it on loop when there are hard days.

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