Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Momma Days

When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?

A firefighter? A vet? A teacher? A rockstar? 

I wanted to be a mom...a wife and a mom. That was my goal for my life. 

So imagine my surprise (after some wrong turns) when I ended up the wife of an absolutely amazing man and together we have five kids! Some would say that I got more than I bargained for. That may be true...but what a deal! 

I love this man and all five kids with everything inside me...with a love so fierce sometimes it hurts. 

And I love being a mom and wife...more than anything I could ever hope to be. I have the most special job in the entire world. I get stand next to the best man I know and to teach these kids about pretty much everything. I get to help shape who they become as adults in this world. Sure we have rough days but...still...I love being a mom. 

I love it so much...but there is one part of being a mom of SO many kiddos that is really tough. Tonight we were in the playroom waiting for dinner to finish cooking. Our playroom has old school wide floorboards...the kind that things get stuck in all the time. Mister said he was hungry...like really hungry...like dying of starvation (his words not mine)...he was holding his stomach...I made a comment that dinner would be ready in a few minutes and that he was being a bit dramatic. And then...yeah...I'll spare you the guided imagery but the next hour was spent cleaning the playroom floor and lysol-ing every surface of the house...cleaning between floorboards with a q-tip and bottle of lysol...it was a blast. As it happened, the timer went off for dinner, the kids started screaming, and I prayed nobody would get it on them. I ushered the other four to the table and had to serve them dinner and help Mister before any of the cleanup could happen. Too many kids...not enough hands. Someone should work on that...
This is the other big problem with seven people in one house...almost every illness is times seven...or at least times three. Which makes for a very long three to seven weeks in "Momma Days". So far this illness has taken down three of our troops (Mr. Incredible being one of them)...but it seems to leave as quickly as it comes on which I guess is good. The other three have instructions that if the floor is necessary, head for the kitchen linoleum. (I'm kidding...sorta). I am off to do more laundry because we are out of lysol. 

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